On Saturday, a funeral service was held for the little boy in Texas. More than 100 people gathered to pay tribute to the child who was described as loving reading and playing the guitar.
Her mother LuRae McCrery said: "How do we forgive ... (her) for committing this unspeakable act? I don’t know. I know in my heart that Juli didn’t do this out of malice or anger. She was a good mother. ... She did the best she could with what she had. On that fateful day something snapped, and I pray that she gets all the help she needs."
McCrery's defence team will likely argue that she was suffering diminished mental capacity and that her aim was a twisted double bill of death. Camden last attended kindergarten May 6, but hadn't been reported missing because his mom continued calling to say he was sick. Camden wasn’t identified until four days after his body was discovered, when a family friend in Irving called authorities in Maine after seeing a computer-generated photo distributed nationwide.
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